Personal Tutors

Personal Tutors

Did you lose your teaching job due to the covid vaccine mandates? Would you prefer to become a personal tutor to two or three children a day rather than teaching up to 30 children in a classroom setting? This could be the role that would suit you.

Our organisation helps mothers to escape situations of domestic violence. The children from such homes often are unsettled and find it difficult to learn. It is our aim to provide those children with their own personal tutor who can teach them one-on-one until such time as they are settled down and able to learn in a multi-student environment once again.

It is a known fact that children who come from violent homes often suffer from PTSD, which interrupts their schooling. They need personal attention from a teacher with whom they can develop trust so that their learning experience becomes enjoyable for them once again.

A child who has that undivided attention often only needs to spend time doing their learning for half to one third of the time that they would spend at school. We are seeking teachers who would like to fill the role of personal tutor to such children so that they don’t fall behind in their learning.

You will be paid a minimum of $50,000 per year in this role. You must not, however, have been covid-vaxxed. If you have been, we may be able to get you into a Med-Bed so that the harmful affects of the covid jab can be eliminated out of your body. Unfortunately though, we can’t offer you a job until you have been in a Med-Bed if you have been covid-jabbed.

We are based in southern Queensland. If you need to relocate, we can assist you with housing and relocation costs. After reading this and deciding that this is what you want, please click on the Contact Us link at the top of the page and send us a message outlining your experience. Thank you for taking an interest in working with us.